Chapter 1
was dancing in her underwear in the narrow space between the two twin beds when
Ashley opened the door of the bathroom that separated their dorm rooms.

what are you trying to do?” Sheri spun around at the sound of Ashley’s voice.
“You scared the crap out of me!” Sheri made no attempts to cover her nearly-naked
body. She just brushed her long brown hair out of her face. “I thought you were
in class.”
Ashley walked to the IPad’s external speakers and punched the volume down.
“That’s a pretty fancy matching bra and panty combination you got going on for
history class. Are you hoping to get lucky?”
you. No, it’s just, I feel more in control—you know with power-woman confidence,
when I’m wearing a matching bra and panties.” Sheri went to the tiny closet she
shared with her mostly-absent roommate. Every inch was filled with clothes and
shoes. She tugged at a white blouse that was wedged in between countless other
items of clothing on the rod, and then she grabbed a pair of jeans from a hook
on the back of the closet door.
watched her, and then without preamble asked, “so…do you know who Robert Cooper
is?” She snuggled in amongst the pile of pillows on top of Sheri’s thick
comforter and kicked off her black leather Vans.
should I?” Sheri pulled on her jeans and then finished buttoning her blouse.
about DB Cooper?”
kneeled down in front of her closet. “Yeah, of course, everyone knows the
notorious DB Cooper.” Sheri looked over her shoulder from her position on the
floor where she was pulling out unmatched shoes. “Ah ha.” She tossed out a
knee-high brown riding boot.
love those. I wish you had a normal-sized foot. If you did, I would so borrow
these. I don’t think I could get my big toe in this tiny thing.” Ashley held up
the boot and ran her hand across the smooth brown leather. She dropped the boot
and looked over at Sheri, “For your information not too many people know about
DB Cooper anymore. The only reason I know about him is because of you and your
crazy interest in unsolved crimes. If having an assload of useless information
about true crime makes someone a good mystery writer well then you’re going to
be more successful than Angela Lansbury.”
wasn’t a real author. It was a TV show.” Sheri pursed her lips and shot Ashley
a disgusted look over her shoulder.
Sheri pulled her head out of the closet and flipped over on her bum to pull on
the matching boot she just uncovered from the closet. “I bet I could find ten
people who’ve heard of DB Cooper before you could find ten who haven’t.”
only if they’re like sixty,” Ashley rolled her eyes. “Focus for a minute, will
shrugged and crawled over and grabbed the boot Ashley had just dropped. She was
trying to ignore the irony of Ashley telling her to focus.
turns out Robert Cooper is DB
Cooper.” Ashley sat up on the edge of the bed.
“You just made that up. No one knows who DB Cooper was. Last
thing I read was from like three or four years ago when some girl was claiming
he was her uncle, but her story didn’t add up. I think she was saying his name
was LD Cooper though—not Robert.” Sheri got up and began kicking all the stray
shoes back into the closet while quickly
the door to trap them inside.
didn’t just make it up. I assure you; it’s the truth. How much time do you have
before your next class?” Ashley pushed her feet back into her skateboarder
shoes without unlacing them.
looked over at the digital clock on her nightstand next her bed. “I got like an
hour and half. It’s going to take longer than that for you to prove to me that
you know anything about DB Cooper.”
come on. Trust me. Let’s go over to the Flying Star. I’ll buy, and in less than
an hour you’ll be a believer.” Ashley got up and pulled Sheri toward the door.
take the free meal, but…whatever.” Sheri grabbed her book bag, and keys.
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